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santiasko, Chile
"Baby don't you cry,I´m Gonna make a pie, Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle"

Language IV....

This is our last week. It has passed four months since we started.

It is important to talk about all the good things and the bad things that the english course had. In order to reflect about it, and next year get it better.
First at all, Language class not only depend on the teacher also depend on us.
We are fundamental part in the course. The mission of a teacher is to be a guide in the procces of learning and teach students to best way that they can. And the mission of students is to take advantages of it. According to this,I want to say some things.
The course was different in term of the way that we did the classes.
Miss Beatriz wanted to focus in our speech and to improve our english, without focused on the Straightforward, she understood the book It does not have much relation with us or with the things that happen in our reality.
I really liked that. Because I enjoyed those activities. It is true that sometimes classes did not result as we expected, but in a learning process not all the things work as we want.
Many times I complained about why classes were like this, but I realized that part of this process depend on us. I realized that I was not taking advantage of the course.
I really enjoyed the classes of Miss beatriz and all the didactic things that she did to make our classes funny.

::::::::::Language IV:::::::::::::::::::

Our dear blog .....jajajajaj

At the beggining I hated the idea to create a blog, just beacues I am not very into internet, but with time I started to aprreciate it (just a little bit), I considerer to have a blog as a student is good. Because you can see all your learning process, you can imporve your skill and also you can realize about your mistake, you can get some feedback from your classmates and from your teachers.
So, I have to recognize it was a good idea to create a blog.
Because is your space, where you can express your opinion and share your beliefs and the things that you liked.



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