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santiasko, Chile
"Baby don't you cry,I´m Gonna make a pie, Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle"

Language IV....

This is our last week. It has passed four months since we started.

It is important to talk about all the good things and the bad things that the english course had. In order to reflect about it, and next year get it better.
First at all, Language class not only depend on the teacher also depend on us.
We are fundamental part in the course. The mission of a teacher is to be a guide in the procces of learning and teach students to best way that they can. And the mission of students is to take advantages of it. According to this,I want to say some things.
The course was different in term of the way that we did the classes.
Miss Beatriz wanted to focus in our speech and to improve our english, without focused on the Straightforward, she understood the book It does not have much relation with us or with the things that happen in our reality.
I really liked that. Because I enjoyed those activities. It is true that sometimes classes did not result as we expected, but in a learning process not all the things work as we want.
Many times I complained about why classes were like this, but I realized that part of this process depend on us. I realized that I was not taking advantage of the course.
I really enjoyed the classes of Miss beatriz and all the didactic things that she did to make our classes funny.

::::::::::Language IV:::::::::::::::::::

Our dear blog .....jajajajaj

At the beggining I hated the idea to create a blog, just beacues I am not very into internet, but with time I started to aprreciate it (just a little bit), I considerer to have a blog as a student is good. Because you can see all your learning process, you can imporve your skill and also you can realize about your mistake, you can get some feedback from your classmates and from your teachers.
So, I have to recognize it was a good idea to create a blog.
Because is your space, where you can express your opinion and share your beliefs and the things that you liked.


Piece of news

::: Controversy about Agassi´s case ::::

A controversy has been appeared the last two weeks, due to the confession that Andre Agassi did in his autobiography "Open". where he admitted to testing positive in a banned substance during his career. According to this, I searched this piece of news in three different papers and to see their point of view about this case.

The first newspaper "Guardian" talk about the reaction that this confession has generated in the media. For instance, one of the person who talk about the case was the tennis player Marat Safin. Marat Safin said that Andre Agassi should return all his titles after this confession.
"The New york times " is focused on the autobiography and do not talk too much about the controversy. In fact when It´s refered to this confession, the article is kind of ironic and tryes to minimize this.

On the other hand, "Brisbane times" is absolutely focused on the controversy most of all in the reaction that this new has generated. i would say this piece of news wants to cause more polemic, because the comments of Marat Safin are very acid.

I would say the New York Time is the less gossip is just trying to give the information in a properly way. But the other two newspapers are more gossip and they try to generate polemic and reactions.

:::The Innovator:::


How powerful is your mind?? do you believe in test and those stuff who talk about your mind and how it act?

well...let me tell you something...today we had to do a quiz which told you, how your mind act.

One of the result, was "the innovator" and I got that result..ajajja..
When I read it I realized that there were some many things which identy myself.
For instance, the result said that I am gregarious and outgoing,and I really like to visit places and to go out, spend time with my friends. Another thing that appeared in the report about me is that I am very grounded, introspective, measured and that I take my time to value my own thoughts. And yes I am one of those person who really are down to earth, I am not impulsive at all.
I like to think so much the things before act or before say something. In fact, sometimes I prefer not to express myself. Because when I do it without thinking I mess up things..ajajajaj...

I believe this test it is accurate in some aspects, but not in all of them. May be you can be sympathetic with some areas, because identify yourself but it is just in general term.

I believe in these things, in the power of the mind and the energy meters. The mind is very very powerful.

Wicked Game!

Good song!!!

I like this version..
well actually I like both versions (the original and this)
enjoy the video!!!


And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cuz I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cuz sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you'd bleed just to know you're alive
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
And I don't want the world to see me
Cuz I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am

______________________________________:::Goo Goo dolls:::

:::Lovely song:::
:::it reminds me beautiful things:::


who would have thought it?


what do you say...when somebody ask you ¿why do chose this career?..¿why do you want to be an English teacher?....

Well, I don´t know you guys but for me it was a long proccess. When i went out to high school I didn´t know what I really wanted, actually I was kind of lost. I decided to work one year to clear my mind, during the year I realized that I wanted to be a proffesional chef..but I hardly know English, and I knew that it was one of the most important requirement, and the last thing that I wanted it was to fail some of the courses. So, I decided to study English to learn more about this language and to be more prepared. The idea was to study a short carreer related with English (no more than 3 years) and then study gastronomy.The first semester in the institute it was a mess, I was totally lost with the courses, I saw all my clasmate learning a lot and I was like stuck back. i started to hate English and I wanted to give up, but one day everything changed. One of my Proffesor changed my point of view about English, and I got the bug for what I was doing...and suddenly English became very important to me.

The last semester in the insitute I realized I wanted to study English Pedagogy and not Gastronomy.

My professor told me if I really wanted this I had to study in a good university and recomended me Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

I came here to look for some information and I fell in love with the university and with the Handbook course and I applied for the carreer. I didn´want any other universty I just wanted this university and I achived my purpose.

One of my favorite subjects is Language English... but sometimes I feel ashamed because I would like to dedicate more time to it ...but the other subjects take me to much time .... I know is not an excuse...but I try to do my best...and to deliver with all the subjects...

I guess all the carreer related with pedagogy are beautiful..because it contribuites the society and many ways... because teachers are important in the process of training of students.

For that reason I believe a good English teacher or a good teacher have to be aware of reality and all the things that are learning.. because those things are going to be the tools to the future as a teacher.


Capoeira Raça

This is my group of Capoeira...they are absolutely awesome in many aspects...they not only are able to make wonderful movements....also they are beautiful persons...with a great sense of companionship and loyalty
i m very proud to belong this group....

we are as a family... and a beautiful one.... : )

i hope you enjoy the video

ps: the atmosphere was amazing..Full of energy.....was awesome....
ps: saludos para todos los del Grupo Raça!! See you soon
ps: there are free classes every Friday at 7 pm in Victor Jara Stadium...(ULA)

a different way to learn


im just want to say that i really liked this website... i discovered a different way to learn , actually it´s have a lot of usefull things to improve our english..

there are many audios, games, news, vocabulary, explanation to excercises in order to learn or improve your skill....

if you feel that sometimes its kind of booring study by reading your notes or your straightforward....

ok... go and visit this website http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish and you really are going to enjoy it...

that´s all

see you soon

:::: pepi_to:::::


Hello everyone!!!

This is the first time that i create a blog and i do not know how to use it jajaja..
well..it is suposed we have to write about our expectation or our feelings or wherever ... but actually im not good at writing neither expressing things or telling things. But im trying to do my best.

so ... meanwhile have a nice day and i hope you have a good semester....


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